

"I want to see my current glucose indication directly on the monitor interface. However, I only see a bunch of diagrams and an analysis with tiny texts that can hardly be read. I do not understand what those diagrams mean."  
- Song

"I wish the app can give me a clearer explanation of my glucose.”

> Revamp the interface structure for enhanced user experience, enabling swift access to crucial information.

> Empower users with the flexibility to customize modular content displays (such as Time Tracker, Daily Glucose Records, etc.) on the interface based on their preferences.

> Offer AI-generated summaries and analyses that leverage the overall changes in users' blood sugar levels from the previous day, aiding in a comprehensive understanding and effective control of their current state.

> Enhance readability by adjusting font sizes, ensuring the smallest body text is set to 16pt.



"I don't like spending a long time typing on my phone’s keyboard when I want to look for a recipe with a specific topic. It's kind of tedious for me and I often misspelled some words because the keyboard is just too small."

"I'm not sure what the buttons mean if there are no explanations with them. I think it would be better if it could tell me clearly what each button does."

"I would like to be rewarded for sharing my unique recipes with others. This will make me feel more fulfilled and motivated to continue creating good contents for everyone."

> Revamp the size and display of each button to cater to the needs of seniors.

> Incorporate a voice search feature into the search bar, placing emphasis on enhancing accessibility for seniors who may be resistant to typing on their phones.

> Introduce a reward mechanism: Users can earn virtual coins (Mcoin) by creating/contributing effective content, which can be utilized as an alternative to real currency for purchasing specific chargeable exercises and recipes.



"Too much content messing with each other on the interface makes me hardly know where a specific feature is. At the same time, I can't see the information I want to know easily because they usually hide behind several times' clickings."

"The small text and unclear instructions on the interface discouraged me from taking any action on the interface."

"I'm confused about the daily recipe planning on the interface: if I want to add a recipe to next Friday, do I need to swipe down until I get to the next Friday section? What if it's next month ?"

> Restructure the information layout to present key content prominently within a clean and intuitive first-level interface for users.

> Optimize readability by adjusting font sizes and indications.

> Streamline the distribution of information within the app, ensuring users can effortlessly access specified functions/sections quickly.



"Sometimes I was too busy to do my workouts in a day. Can I keep track of the calories I burn on the way I walk & ride to the working place?"

"There are various exercise programs on the interface, but I don't know which ones are suitable for seniors and their approximate durations. To choose the right exercise, I believe I need more information."

> Add quick log to some common exercises such as walking, running, and swimming.

> Redesign the display of information about each exercise to help users quickly know whether it is suitable for them.



"I have trouble reading white text on a light color’s background..."
- Zhu

"Does the group's message count as part of the Message section? If I receive a message, should it be displayed in Community or Message?"
- Jia

> Rearrange the interface structure to help users see all important information quickly.

> > Redesign the size and display of each section to meet seniors’ needs.



"I don't think the priority of contents in the interface is reasonable...As an elderly person, I want the emergency call to appear in the most prominent place so that I can find it in the shortest time when there is a real emergency."

"When I click the calendar button, I want to see a reminder and an integration of all kinds of app-related things happen in one day, not just a daily memo."

> Optimize the priority of features on the interface to help users quickly access the most important functions.

> Combine the calendar with other features in the app. For example, users can browse/edit memos, daily recipes, and daily exercise programs through the calendar.